“How could they see anything but the shadows if they were never allowed to move their heads?”
Plato, The Allegory of the Cave

"Last of all he will be able to see the sun..and he will contemplate him as he is" -Plato

Doctrines- Principles- Tools, continued...

Antin- Doctrines: Creativity is inspired through the mind. Principles: Instead of focusing so much on the logistics of education, focus on other aspects of the mind, including language, creativity, the arts, political science,etc. Tools: Present a broad range of learning tools to cover all aspects of education. Crowder- Doctrines: All people should not be denied equal opportunity. Principles: All people should not be denied of public schools. Tools: Access to public schools should be present. Dewey- Doctrines: Schooling can lead to social change and reform. Principles: School's are a process of social interaction. Tools: Create discussion and reformation within the classes themselves. James- Doctrine: True power comes from the truth that people find in their beliefs. Principles: People call things true because they truly believe they are true. Tools: Help students come to the realization of truth by helping them form their own opinions and beliefs. Kirkagaard- Doctrine: Behind many laws, there are ethics attached. Principles: Structure is important in the education system. Tools: Establish rules and guidelines for your students so that they can follow. Greene- Doctrine: True value can come to education when we can see the entirety of our learning. Principles: "Wide-awake" learning is most effective. Tools: Encourage open-mindedness when learning. Jefferson- Doctrine: All children of God are created equal. Principles: Education should be offered to all children of God. Tools:Government should offer education for all. Mann- Doctrine: A professional ethic is extremely important in schools. Principles: Professional teachers will lead to effective learning. Tools: We must make sure all of our teachers in the education system are well trained so that they can teach the students well. Washington - Doctrine: Success is achievable by anyone. It doesn't matter what their circumstances are. Principles: Success comes from hard work and motivation. Tools: Work hard and overcome the odds. DuBois- Doctrine: All children are created equal and should receive the same opportunities in education. Principles: White children and black children should be offered the same education. Tools: Do not segregate schools and treat all children equally. Cardinal Principles- Doctrines: True knowledge extends beyond textbooks. Principles: Textbooks should not be the foundation for all learning. Tools: Use textbooks only as tools, and extend learning beyond that. Erasmus- Doctrines: "Men are made human through education." Principles: We can truly find ourselves through education and learning. Tools: Develop opportunities for introspect in students and their valuable findings in education. Brown- Doctrines: Students should be given the same opportunities in schools. Principles: Students are given the same things under God. Tools: View students as humans- act vs. acted upon. Johnson- Doctrines: Schools are essential in society. Principles: Schooling gives us credibility and status. Tools: In order to be successful, we must go through several years of school to receive our status quo. Anyon- Doctrine: You are in charge of your own fate. Principle: Each person should be given equal opportunity to succeed. Tools: Each school and student needs to be taught the same thing—no differences in the quality of education for each school. No Child Left Behind- Doctrine: All children have the right to an education. Principle: No child will be denied an education. Tools: Each child is to attend the school of their choice and receive equal opportunity. Ravitch- Doctrine: There is no true measurement of the education of a student. Principles: It is foolish to base all understandings on one tool. Tools: Limit tests, and have a good mixture of tools and doctrines and principles in your teaching.